Showing off before and after images certainly isnt my forte! BUT this one was requested and I am all for baby safety. SO showing composition and composit type photos is very important. In 95% of newborn photography, at least in my studio, there is a hand on the baby at all times and the other 5% the hand is somewhere only centimeters away. The great thing is; is that you, the public never see this!
Each photo below shows the SOOC image, just as it looked from my camera. This image is ONLY shot with a newborn that is very sleepy and isnt wiggling around. Now the funny thing is, that miss Sadie here was one of my more wiggly babies but she loved being all cozied up!
You will notice that there are two shots below and the baby’s head is turned differently. I did this on purpose as her arm wasnt quite where I needed it to be, but in post processing I prefered her face tilted toward me over the 2nd photo.
Please fully understand neborns and have adequate help before ever attempting this type of shot. There is alot of studying and time that goes into obtaining this one shot. Just ask Sadies Mom!!! Her poor hand got mighty tired!