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Writer's pictureSarah McLaurin

Birth | A New Nephew is Born | Greensboro/ Burlington/ Triad Area NC Birth Photographer

What joy! A new member of the family to love and cherish. A new baby boy, a nephew! I was all set to arrive and be there to capture his birth after so many long awaited months. We had already been to the hospital with false labor and seriously thought he would have arrived much sooner. BAM!!!!

Colton Zayne Ward decided to arrive while Aunt Leslie is seriously turning the corner to the hospital parking lot.  I was so depressed, my sister was too, but he was healthy and that is what mattered! A sweet friend we went to school with was there to deliver her birthing tub and was so kind as to pick up my camera, already set and ready, and snap these.

So while I cannot take credit for the camera work, I edited them to match Colton’s images I have done and am just so smitten with him, that they need to be shared! Thank you Kimberly!

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